
intentional christmas drink with festive cones
Festive Season or Christmas
Intentional Living

How to enjoy the holiday season without the stress, overwhelm, ´hangover´!

How to have a more mindful or conscious holiday season that won´t wreck your mental or physical health. As the holiday season approaches, midlife women often find themselves navigating a whirlwind of festivities (including organising it all), delicious treats, and celebratory libations. Yes, it is also a time for joy, celebration, family, but, from my […]

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covid christmas away from family and home
Festive Season or Christmas

Celebrating when not together

Ok, so we have felt our feelings and talked about them (and if you haven’t yet, then read this post here!)  The next step is how can we still have a meaningful Christmas, New Year, Easter or Birthday (any special occasion really!) with whoever we spend it with and also develop connection with those other […]

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