About me

Inner Coaching You is all about the ups and downs of being a women in midlife, whether you live overseas or not. Through my posts and story telling, we will be talking all bout the stuff that no-one else really talks about – the realities of being a midlife woman, what is really going inside and how we can help ourselves and each other. Plus how we can deepen our connection with those around us and ourselves in the process.

Hi, I am Emma, a transformational life coach, I am dedicated to supporting women the best I can in their personal development and life journey. We can all be faced with challenges at different phases in our lives, our mental health, uncertainty or stuckness about what we are facing, lacking clarity on who we are and what we want, learning to love and care for ourselves and our bodies. I have encountered so many of these challenges myself and now help women to break free and create a life they love.

Please feel free to reach out for a free 30 minute, zero obligation chat to see if working together might be helpful – hello@innerexpat.com (please note this website/my business will be fully rebranded shortly)

Emma Lees inner coaching you photo with map

Emma Lees, the dynamic force behind her personalised coaching programmes is dedicated to empowering women in through a rich combination of coaching, mentoring, and training. With a wide background of over 30 years of experience in the voluntary and political sectors, and a personal journey of self-development over 15 years, Emma brings a wealth of knowledge, experience and empathy to her work.

Emma is currently focusing on these areas:

  • Inspiring and coaching women to embrace the exciting chapter of midlife with self-assurance and enthusiasm. Emma’s work revolves around supporting women who may feel adrift or uninspired during this transformative phase. She guides them in rediscovering their identities and desires, enabling them to create a life that excites them without overwhelm.

Emma firmly believes that midlife or menopause are not times to be endured with trepidation, but rather, opportunities for self-renewal and exploration. She champions this refreshing perspective, encouraging women to approach this new phase with a sense of wonder and curiosity.

  • Emma also coaches and mentors women who lead or aspire to lead NGOs and  those involved in politics. She provides them with the tools and support to gain clarity on their vision and amplify their impact, whilst not losing themselves in the process.
  •  In a groundbreaking initiative, Emma has launched a group coaching programme and community for survivors of human trafficking. This pilot project, The Thrive Tribe, in collaboration with Liluye, an NGO committed to eradicating human trafficking, aims to help survivors get to know themselves, break through internal barriers and create a vision for their future. This has launched in Autumn 2023, this programme is a pioneering effort in personal development for trafficking survivors.

Having recently celebrated her 50th birthday, Emma herself is no stranger to reinvention. Her life journey has taken her from her home country, the UK, to France, Australia, Costa Rica, and now Spain, where she lives with her husband and teenage children. She’s worn many hats, from running an online jewellery business to advocating for mental health with Beyond Blue (Australia) and co-founding an NGO for those on the streets in Costa Rica.

When she’s not changing lives, Emma loves the outdoors, indulges her love for learning, and enjoys playing padel (a hybrid of tennis and squash). She’s a sea-swimmer, a foodie, a traveller, and a dog walker. In the last year, she joined a women’s football team and also leads the Costa Women Benalmadena group.  

Emma remains open to growth and possibilities in this thrilling chapter of her life. She aspires to inspire the power of reinvention and the joy of living life to the fullest, no matter the stage or age!

Please feel free to reach out for a free 30 minute, zero obligation chat to see if working together might be helpful – hello@innerexpat.com