
The Thrive Tribe coaching program for human trafficking survivors

The Thrive Tribe – Pro bono pilot with trafficking survivors

Throughout my life I have worked with ngos, in politics and co-founded a non-profit whilst living in Costa Rica, working to support and empower myself and others has always been very important to me. In this post, I wanted to share a bit about The Thrive Tribe the pilot coaching and personal development program I […]

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drinking together alcohol free
Intentional Living

Questioning our culture

Last week I received the following message from our new neighbours: “Would you like to come over for a wine (or some beer)?” This might seem like a totally innocuous question. Normal even. But it left me feeling quite angry. Why? You might ask. Because drinking is so acceptable, ‘normal’ in our culture, that anything […]

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99 icecream and flake with British coastline

There is no place like home – but where is home?

We have just been fortunate to go back to our native UK (well native for my husband and I at least) since the pandemic started. About 20 months since we last saw our parents, my siblings, niece and nephew. It felt weird planning to go and constantly preparing ourselves that it might not happen due […]

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New start

The fear of Settling down

So, we have just put down a deposit to buy a house here in Spain.  For us – the husband, two kids, dog and I to live in.  Forever (as much as forever can be).  How exciting, you might say, especially after renting and living abroad as an expat for so many years.  Finally being […]

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globe showing best place to live in Spain
New start

Where is the best place to live in Spain?

In 2018 we decided we wanted to live and work in Spain, to be back living in Europe, closer to family in the UK and settle for the long term.  We were fortunate that we could choose where we wanted to live in Spain due to my husband working remotely so our main priorities were […]

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orange question mark in lights

Expat, immigrant, migrant, nomad or what?

Should we find an alternative for the term expat? In searching to name my blog, I have found myself challenged by others and myself about using the term ‘expat’.  I have to admit it is not a word that I would use to describe myself, but I can’t think of another term that fits.  On […]

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change blog name in lights
New start

Blog name – my epic fail.

Here is my story: how to totally screw up your blog name. So, when choosing this expat blog name I did the usual, brainstorming, asking friends and family, thinking about my audience, the topics etc.   I read articles like this one to help me get creative, used a thesaurus, etc etc.   You get the […]

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start here new expat blog

Inner Expat – a different expat blog

In our wedding speech, my dad said that I like to do things that terrify me, and he was right. Moving countries, travelling around India alone in my 20’s, getting married, having kids, pushing myself out of my comfort zone, they are all a little terrifying. As is starting this. Anyway, here goes…. My name […]

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