women empowerment

and so I choose to begin again written on chalk on floor fresh start new year 2024 self love and self care
Intentional Living
New start

Want real change in 2024?

January again. Start to a fresh year. A blank page. I don´t know about you, but I ditched resolutions many years ago. They never seemed to work that long and ended up being another way to beat myself up about myself, my willpower, anything really. Now people talk more about a word for the year […]

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The Thrive Tribe coaching program for human trafficking survivors

The Thrive Tribe – Pro bono pilot with trafficking survivors

Throughout my life I have worked with ngos, in politics and co-founded a non-profit whilst living in Costa Rica, working to support and empower myself and others has always been very important to me. In this post, I wanted to share a bit about The Thrive Tribe the pilot coaching and personal development program I […]

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