self love

and so I choose to begin again written on chalk on floor fresh start new year 2024 self love and self care
Intentional Living
New start

Want real change in 2024?

January again. Start to a fresh year. A blank page. I don´t know about you, but I ditched resolutions many years ago. They never seemed to work that long and ended up being another way to beat myself up about myself, my willpower, anything really. Now people talk more about a word for the year […]

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Woman camouflaged in a black and white pattern midlife woman feeling invisible
Intentional Living

Do You Ever Feel Invisible?

Why feeling invisible is a common experience for midlife women and mums Feeling invisible, overlooked, ignored, or unnoticed by others is something we can all experience at some point during our lives. It can manifest in any area of our life, whether in our relationships, work, or social interactions. Being aware of feeling invisible is […]

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midlife woman or mum looking at a map self discovery
Intentional Living

The Journey to Self-Discovery: Why It Matters for Midlife Women and Mums

How does Self Discovery help yourself? According to research around 60% of women report feeling disconnected from their true selves Sound familiar to you? I have heard women (including myself in the past) share how they don´t know who they really are anymore.    Feeling lost.  Feeling like something is missing.  We have been so caught […]

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midlife woman overcoming obstacle in nature self care
Intentional Living

Nurture Yourself: A Guide to Midlife Self Care for Busy Mums

Why is Self Care in Midlife is Crucial for Mums? First up, what is self-care? Self-care is any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health. It is different for each of us. To find out more about why important, particularly in midlife when we can […]

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you matter written in handwriting self care midlife mum
Intentional Living

The Power of Self-Care: 6 Benefits for Midlife Mums

Self Care: What is it and Why is it Important? Self care is not just about a day at the spa, a bath, box of chocolates or a glass of wine………… Self-care is any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health. In this post we […]

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darling you are different in lights
Intentional Living
New start

When the universe tests you…

At the start of the year I set the intention to listen to my body more. I spend a lot of time in my mind (as most of us do), but wanted to start really listening to me. Listening to what I wanted and needed, rather than my kids or anyone else – whether it […]

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graffiti person being lifted by a red heart self care self love
New start

Self Care: Setting Boundaries

So I haven’t written the blog for quite some time now and decided that today was the day to start getting back into the rhythm of it again.  The past several weeks have been hectic as we have bought a house (yippee after renting for 10+ years!) and had quite a lot of stuff to […]

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