
police in street challenge the food police intuitive eating
Intentional Living
Intuitive eating

Intuitive Eating – Challenge the Food Police

I have now been exploring intuitive eating quite deeply for a few months and sharing my Intuitive Eating journey on the blog to help reinforce my learning and hopefully help someone else too. I am now on Principle Four – Challenge the Food Police (for the previous Principles 1 – Reject Diet Culture, 2 – […]

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drinking together alcohol free
Intentional Living

Questioning our culture

Last week I received the following message from our new neighbours: “Would you like to come over for a wine (or some beer)?” This might seem like a totally innocuous question. Normal even. But it left me feeling quite angry. Why? You might ask. Because drinking is so acceptable, ‘normal’ in our culture, that anything […]

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connection world nature person
Intentional Living
Intuitive eating

11 Tips for Mind Body Spirit Connection

I don’t know about you, but I have noticed that most of the time I am living up in my head. In other words focusing on doing, planning, ruminating and sometimes not being really present when my kids or partner are talking with me. It is actually not a nice feeling. Pretty numb. Feels like […]

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painted hand holding conscious connection

Conscious Connection

One of the great things about having lived in a few different countries is that you have friends all over the world. One of the not so great things about having lived in a few different countries is that you have friends all over the world. It is obviously wonderful in so many ways to […]

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peripheral dots feeling alone expat

Feeling Peripheral

I don’t think I am alone, but sometimes it feels lonely. Maybe that’s life. We all feel lonely sometimes. But the pandemic has certainly heightened and exacerbated any loneliness or isolation we might have felt beforehand. As Sheryl Paul so eloquently puts it: “There’s a fundamental loneliness that is part of the fabric of being […]

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99 icecream and flake with British coastline

There is no place like home – but where is home?

We have just been fortunate to go back to our native UK (well native for my husband and I at least) since the pandemic started. About 20 months since we last saw our parents, my siblings, niece and nephew. It felt weird planning to go and constantly preparing ourselves that it might not happen due […]

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Findng life purpose path options
New start

Finding Life Purpose. Finding ‘It’, Finding me

As an expat mum over the last 13 ½ years I have been fortunate enough to explore the possibilities of how to use my own time.  I have been a mum of two too, so it has not all been lunches out and sipping cocktails by the pool, but there has been a degree of […]

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New start

The fear of Settling down

So, we have just put down a deposit to buy a house here in Spain.  For us – the husband, two kids, dog and I to live in.  Forever (as much as forever can be).  How exciting, you might say, especially after renting and living abroad as an expat for so many years.  Finally being […]

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hola in lights learn spanish lessons free

How to learn or get Spanish Lessons free (or cheap!)

Learn Spanish: Whether you are living abroad as an expat in Spain, South, Central America or the US, plan to live overseas or just want to learn Spanish for fun, we have some tips for you on some easy and tried and tested ways to do just that.  Learning the language certainly helps with day […]

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you belong here in neon lights

Where do expats belong?

One question that I have been asking myself a lot recently, is where do I belong?   I have lived in the UK most of my life, but leaving there to live abroad in Australia nearly 15 years ago, then Costa Rica and now Spain.  I am relatively used to the feeling of not belonging […]

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