intuitive eating

pile of chocolate intuitive eating reject diets
Intentional Living
Intuitive eating

Intuitive Eating – Honour your Health with Gentle Nutrition

Yes! At last I am on the 10th, and last, principle of my Intuitive Eating journey, which is all about gentle nutrition or how I prefer to call it – food to feel good! In some ways it feels a bit incongruent to have a chapter on nutrition when the rest of the principles have […]

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women walking in sunshine intuitive eating movement feel the difference
Intentional Living
Intuitive eating

Intuitive Eating – Movement Feel the Difference

So, here we are on the Intuitive Eating journey again and now on Principle 9 of Intuitive Eating – movement feel the difference or how I prefer to look at it – get your body moving in a way that feels goooooooooood to you! We all knew that this principle was coming! But the Intuitive […]

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white flag surrender intuitive eating
Intentional Living
Intuitive eating

Intuitive Eating – Respect Our Body

After a bit of a break, I am back to my Intuitive Eating journey and now for Principle 8 – Respect Your (Our) Body.  The basics of which is: respecting that we are all different and our bodies are all different too.  Sounds straight-forward and yet the reality is not quite so! Whilst we know […]

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graffiti heart connect to emotions intuitive eating
Intentional Living
Intuitive eating

Intuitive Eating Journey – Coping with feelings with kindness and without food

Phew, that is a long title! So, in this post I am reviewing my experience with Principle 7 and what I learnt from my reading and self-exploration this week. If you haven´t ready my first post about ´Coping with your feelings with Kindness´ then I suggest you check it out first. This review is based […]

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sea with sun calm emotions
Intentional Living
Intuitive eating

Intuitive Eating – Coping with Feelings with kindness

So, back to it, 2023 and a new start! Except I feel like it is more of a reminder for me on my journey with Intuitive Eating which I embarked on many months ago.  I have to admit, whilst I was aware of being more intuitive over the festive period, there was certainly times where […]

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Intuitive eating Feel your fullness girl feeling
Intentional Living
Intuitive eating

Intuitive Eating – Feel your Fullness Review

Now it is time for me to review what I have learnt and experienced about ´Feeling my Fullness´ having explored this in depth in my previous post. Since then I have tried to be more present to my body´s sensations whilst eating and have also gone through the workbook and its´ exercises to try and […]

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Full moon feel your fullness
Intentional Living
Intuitive eating

Intuitive Eating – Feel your Fullness

Now I have reached Principle 6, ´Feel your Fullness´ in my Intuitive Eating journey and a natural follow-on from ´Discover the Satisfaction Factor´ or Principle 5. Yet again we are invited to tune into our bodies to listen to to what degree we are full at various points during our meals and how much we […]

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intuitive eating neon lights smell taste touch
Intentional Living
Intuitive eating

Intuitive Eating – Discover the Satisfaction Factor or The Pleasure of Eating Review

If you haven´t read my post regarding all of this Fifth Principle of Intuitive Eating, it is worth reading it first to get the full low down (or go here to go to the very start of my Intuitive Eating journey). Now I am reviewing it using my handy workbook with it´s very useful exercises […]

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The Pleasure of eating Intuitive eating
Intentional Living
Intuitive eating

Intuitive Eating – Discover the Satisfaction Factor or The Pleasure of Eating

I am halfway through the 10 Intuitive Eating Principles! Now learning about the fifth one, ´Discover the Satisfaction Factor´ or as I prefer to call it ´The Pleasure of Eating´. If you are new to my Intuitive Eating journey please check out the post which started it all off which also has links to all […]

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I trust you in scrabble letters intuitive eating
Intentional Living
Intuitive eating

Intuitive Eating – Challenge the Food Police Review

So a couple of weeks back, I wrote about the Fourth Principle of Intuitive Eating, Challenge the Food Police, as usual I have since reflected on the period since learning about it and also spent some time going through the Intuitive Eating workbook and exercises. I found this section of the workbook the most helpful […]

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